Saturday, September 28, 2013

Excellent Tips by Warrent Buffet

Here few tips or quotations by a great people, although the culture is different, but we can take it as guideline ^_^

On Earning: "Never depend on single income. Make investment to create a second source".

On Spending: "If you buy things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need".

On Savings: "Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving".

On Taking Risk: "Never test the depth of river with both feet".

On Expectations: "Honesty is very expensive gift. Do not expect it from cheap people".

On Investment: "Do not pull all eggs in one basket".

\Price is what you Pay, Value is what you Get.

Investment Rules:
Rules No.1 = Never lose money
Rules No.2 = Never forget Rule No.1

Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Movie Review #1: Grown Ups 2

In line with its name "shah-learn-to-write", this time I start to write about movie review.

Location: MBO Cinemas, KSL City, Johor Bahru
Showtimes: 8.20 p.m

Even though I didn't notice about the existing of the first sequel of 'Grown Ups' film, but it doesn't matter. Grown Ups 2 is a full of fluffy and mindlessly jerky comedy done by adult, especially 'fathers'. Circulated in a small town with simple, yet, typically complex people. It's about family, friendship, and party. 
Lets the Summer Begins!!!

In  the last day before Summer's break, the spirit are high. Lenny (Adam Sandler) and his buddies (Kevin James, Chris Rock, David Spade) decide to avoid work. They attend Lenny's daughter ballet performance, with very 'special' performance by the ballet teachers. Accomplished 35 feet cliff jump naked. Shopping at KMart, which leads to a climatic 1980's themed family party at Lenny's home.
The movies also bring special appearances of Stone Cold Steve Austin and 'Jacob' from Twilight movie. 

Its really recommended for those who love comedy movie or want to release their stress faced in daily life. You can laugh and cry with tears of joy from the beginning until end of the movie. 
#Reminder: Don't ever to try "burpsnart"!!

Official Trailer
