Monday, July 22, 2013

Shisha According to Islamic Law Views

After being banned in Kedah and Perlis, Special Discussion Fatwa Committee of the National Council for Islamic Religious Affairs which met on July 17, 2013 has discussed the Law Shisha According to Islamic views. The Committee has made the following decisions:

After listening to the presentation and explanation of experts from the Ministry of Health Malaysia and review information and medical evidence and detailed scientific submitted from within and outside the country about the effects and great harm faced as a result of shisha on community health, economic development and the creation of generations in the  future, the Committee decide agree that shisha is illegal/prohibited. Therefore, Muslims are forbidden to smoke shisha or provide services or any activities related to shisha.

The ban of shisha is based on Islamic texts/sentences from the Quran and Hadith and method for ensuring Fiqhiyyah five pillars of human contained in the Maqasid Syariah to keep religion, life, intellect, lineage and property can be protected as a claim Islamic law, as clearly Shisha harm health, waste time and treasure and is categorized as a bad/harmful activities.


Get full text at e-Fatwa Malaysia Fatwa Official Website

Friday, July 19, 2013

Save Petrol? Maybe.....

nice car right? but it's something wrong with the air conditioner?
my lecturer once said when you drive luxury cars, the window for driver seat will still open even in the drizzly rain. with motive to let people surround know who was driving the car. and its fact.
However, we should think from the positive side. maybe there's problem with the air conditioner. or the driver on his go green campaign void to use aircond. or it might be someone have release 'unwanted gas' in the car. or any other possibility. as long as he drive safely and follow the law :)


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